Difference Between Traditional Commerce and E-Commerce

 There was a time when people needed to perform all commercial activities like buying and selling products and services, transfer of money, and making payments the traditional way. This means one has to go to the market and search for the required product and services and choose from a big amount of options and buy them by making a payment of a specific amount. All these activities were done in a physical way.


But the technology has changed now you can do all these things just with your mobile phone and pc in just one click. There is a huge difference between traditional commerce and e-commerce. Also, advantages of eCommerce over traditional commerce.

Basic Difference Between Traditional Commerce and E-Commerce

Many people still do traditional markets as they think that it is not safe but in reality, it is more comfortable and easy to do. There are many advantages and disadvantages of both technologies. Let us understand the concept behind both commerce.

Traditional Commerce:

Traditional commerce is a process of selling and buying goods and services face-to-face by visiting a physical store. In this method, buyers have the advantage of going in personally to buy products and services. Some of the major benefits of traditional commerce are providing more personalized service and giving the customer an option to use all five senses before making a purchase. In this method, customers can personally interact and maintain a good relation with the seller.

Advantages Traditional Commerce:

1. Consumers can test the product before purchase.

2. It helps a person feel better about the environment they are in.

3. The owner cannot lose money since there are no hackers and scammers in the real world.

4. People without internet can visit stores for items.

5. Rip-off merchants can be caught easier than scammers

Disadvantages Traditional Commerce:

1. Consumers have to travel a certain distance for the product.

2. Not all store and businesses have the exact item for the customer.

3. It costs money to build the physical atmosphere

4. There is limited time of when the store is opened and shut.


ecommerce is also known as electronic commerce. It is a process of trading of goods and services using internet services. Ecommerce is a way by which people can buy and sell things in retail. Some organisition us ecommer for selling thier products only, but for many, ecommerce is a distribution channel that’s part of a broader strategy that includes physical stores and other revenue streams. ecommerce also allows startups, small businesses, and large companies to sell their products at wider scale and reach customers across the world.

Benefits of e-commerce

1. Is growing rapidly

2. Offers global marketing reach

3. Provides the ease of ordering products online

4. Generally involves lower operating costs

5. Gives direct-to-consumer access

Limitations of e-commerce

1. Limited face-to-face interaction

2. Technical difficulties

3. Data security can be a challenge

4. Shipping and fulfillment at scale

Detailed Difference Between Traditional Commerce and E-Commerce


S. No

Traditional Commerce



It refers to the commercial transactions and exchange of information, making payment, buying and selling of products and services between two people using the internet.

In ecommerce every transaction, communication, buying and selling of products and services, sending and receiving payments are all done via electronic mode using the internet.


In traditional commerce, establishing and maintaining standard practices is difficult.

In E-commerce, establishing and maintaining standard practices is easy.


In traditional commerce, a direct interaction between buyer and seller is possible.

In e-commerce , communication between buyer and seller is done indirectly


Traditional commerce is carried out by face to face4, telephone lines, and mail systems.

Ecommerce is carried out by the internet


In traditional commerce, transactions are processed in a manual way.

In eCommerce, Transactions are processed automatically.


In traditional commerce, goods are received instantly

In e-commerce, the delivery of goods takes time.


In traditional commerce, accessibility to products is for a limited time

In e-commerce, products and services are accessible 24*7


Traditional commerce is done where the digital network is unavailable

Using e-commerce a lot of time and money is saved


Traditional commerce is an older method of doing business

Ecommerce is the latest technology for doing business


Its resource focuses on the supply side.

Its resource focuses on the demand side.


In traditional commerce, Customers can touch and see the products and also can judge the quality of a product by checking it

In eCommerce, customers are not allowed to check the product physically before getting it.


Traditional business has the limitation of reaching people

There is no boundation in reaching people. E-commerce can be done worldwide.



You must be clear about both ways of trading. One must understand the difference between traditional commerce and e-commerce before using any of these methods. Both commerce has their own pros and cons. It depends on which way of commerce is best suitable for you and you are comfortable with.


If you are looking for commerce to be done worldwide then e-commerce is the most preferred method for you and can contact us to lunch your e-commerce store, else you can try traditional commerce to deal with a smaller range of customers.



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