Key Difference between Traditional Commerce and Ecommerce

 Long gone and forgotten are the days when commercial activities such as exchange of goods and services for money, between two parties, had to take place in a traditional setting. The customer going to the marketplace, checking out a variety of products, choosing required stuff, purchasing them and then paying the specific amount is what marks traditional commerce. However, nowadays with technological innovations, modern ways of selling goods and services have come up. For instance, e-commerce, where people buy and sell products via the Internet.

Differences between Traditional Commerce and E-commerce

Exchange of Traditional Commerce and E-Commerce :

Timing of Traditional Commerce and E-Commerce :

Physical Interaction in Traditional Commerce and E-Commerce :

Face to Face :

Geographical location:

Platform in Traditional Commerce and E-Commerce:

Business relationship:

Marketing in Traditional Commerce and E-Commerce:

Payment involved in Traditional Commerce and E-Commerce:



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