Top Cross Platform App Development Frameworks 2022

 The growing demand for cross platform app development has reached the next level height. The main reason behind increasing demand is the range of cross-platform apps as compared to native apps.

7 Cross Platform App Development Frameworks

With an expanded Demand, there is a significant expansion in cross platform development too. There are a number of cross platform frameworks that empower developers to make multiple complex applications easily.

WDP Technologies is here to help you to find your best fit, we have mentioned a list of the best cross platform app development frameworks which will help you to grow your business in 2022

React Native

when we are talking about the most popular cross platform app development frameworks it is not justified without including react native in that list. React Native is used on both iOS and Android extensively as it is the most known cross platform app development framework. It is created by Facebook in 2005.

React Native cross platform framework built using JavaScript. It is best to give a native-like feel to both iOS and Android platforms. As JavaScript is used it becomes very easy to build an intuitive UI interface for the developer using React Native.

Regardless of the fact it is based on JavaScript, It does not use HTML technology or WebView, or CSS. Instead, they use components of the platform consisting of CSS like polyfills and JSX.

The biggest benefit of React Native is it combines all the best features of ReactJS and JavaScript. Also, the developer has the advantage of creating some parts using Java, Swift, or Objective-C.

Advantages of React Native:

  1. It focuses on UI, It allows the developers to create a responsive UI interface.
  2. As an open-source cross platform app, React has a very large community from which developers can get great support while developing any mobile app development project.
  3. It is one of the popular most popular cross platform mobile development frameworks, developers need to write code only once in React Native.
  4. React Native can work with all kinds of third-party plugins like Google Maps.
  5. React Native can also be used in creating UWP and Windows application

Developer’s tools

  1. Emulator, SDK, Android Studio
  2. JS Editor
  3. Xcode and it also needs a $100/year developer’s account for the development and publishing of apps


It is the newest technology among all others. Flutter’s cross platform app development framework has its own image in the market. It is a kind of open-source cross platform app development framework that was released by Google in May 2017.

A unique feature of flutter that makes it different from others is that it uses Dart programming language instead of JavaScript. Because of the hot reload feature in ‘flutter developer can see all modifications in real-time. With iOS and Android applications using Flutter, the developers can create amazing applications for the Fuchsia OS with Flutter.

Using Flutter’s cross platform app framework develops apps that can run on multiple platforms effectively. The advantages of using an open-source cross platform app framework are:

Advantages of Flutter:

  1. It has an inbuilt graphic engine. Therefore, developers need not worry about making separate interfaces for both iOS and Android.
  2. Mobile passes build using the Flutter cross platform app development framework are beneficial in getting an increase in performance and are very efficient.
  3. The performance of Flutter is better than other frameworks.
  4. Dart programming language is used which helps developers to create a structured programming code.
  5. Flutter uses GPU which provides UI power.

Developer’s tools

  1. Emacs
  2. Android Studio
  3. VS Code


Ionic framework is the most popular app development framework based on AngularJS. It is an open-source cross platform app development framework that was made first in 2013 by Adam Bradley, Max Lynch, and Ben Sperry. It is based on Apache Cordova and AngularJS.

Because of the Apache Cordova standards, the mobile applications that are made with the Ionic framework are hybrid HTML applications. The USP of these applications is that it runs in a unique shell on your mobile phone. For instance, the applications run on WebView for Android and UIWebView for iOS.

Using the iconic framework user can add user-centric features and also build creative user interfaces. The interface for a user is created eye-catching so that the user can stay on the app for a longer duration. Mobile app development projects created using so much similar to Native so this is used in PWA development.

Advantages of Ionic:

  1. There is a number of ready-to-use UI components in the Ionic framework.
  2. The developer needs to take care of CSS, HTML, Angular, and JavaScript to develop applications using Ionic.
  3. There are a number of plugins available to use the native features on a mobile phone.
  4. Ionic framework is specifically designed for mobile OS as it is based on the SAAS UI framework.
  5. It allows developers to change the code structure according to the requirement

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Developer’s Tools

  1. Visual studio code
  2. Ionic app flow
  3. Firebase


Node.JS is a V8-based cross platform app. The transformation of JavaScript into a general-purpose language from a highly specialized language makes it popular among all other cross platform mobile development frameworks. It is an open-source environment that helps in the development of server-side and scalable network applications.

As a VB engine, it compiles javascript to machine code and then executes the bytecode, this is why Nod.JS become fast. It has a rich library of multiple JavaScript modules and can handle multiple connections together. The mobile app created using Node.JS cross platform app development frameworks is highly responsive.

Advantages of Nodejs:

  1. It has a large developers community
  2. Node.JS is one of the fastest dynamic language interpreters.
  3. It reduces response time for slow requests
  4. Node.JS implements a single-threaded model

Developer’s Tools

  1. Express.JS
  3. PM2
  4. Babel
  5. Meteor


It is developed in 2011 and acquired by Microsoft. It is an open-source cross platform app framework but has some functions that make it different from other forms.

.NET platform-Mono is implemented on the Xamarin framework. Additionally, the process of implementation includes its own .NET libraries, C# compiler, and runtime. 90% of the code is reusable to build apps for different platforms.

Advantages of Xamarin:

  1. The developer just needs knowledge.NERT and c# to use Xamarin framework so it is very to use.
  2. Developers can also use code based on a third party.
  3. The developer can check a few run-time errors while working on it. It offers compile-time checking
  4. It has a large community of app developers

Developer’s Tools

  1. Visual code studio
  2. Xamarin Studio


It is based on Java and is an open-source cross platform app development framework. The mobile app developed using NativeScript is not restricted to JavaScript only. It also supports Vue.js and AngularJ along with JavaScript

NativeScript has a different place in the cross platform mobile development frameworks. It provides developers who don’t need to install extra plugins for various other functions. This platform is best suited to work on Write Once, Run Anytime (WORA) functionality. The developer can use the extra plugins as NativeScript has all native APIs.

Advantages of NativeScript:

  1. It allows developers to write platform-based APIs in JavaScript only
  2. It supports components like Cocoapods and AndroidArsenal and calls native methods from libraries.
  3. It has all kinds of plugins.
  4. It also eliminates the need for third-party plugins.
  5. It has a beautiful platform-native UI

Developer’s Tools

  1. CLI NativeScript


PhoneGap was developed by Nitobi Software in 2005. In 2011, Adobe purchased PhoneGap from Nitobi.PhoneGap is also known as Cordova It is the highest the shares among all the cross platform app development frameworks. It is also counted as the top mobile app development, as it uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The best feature of PhoneGap is the powerful backend system which plays an important role in increasing speed. If you want to develop a simple application without any native features, The best option is PhoneGap. With developing impressive apps, It also supports built-in device features.

Advantages of PhoneGap:

  1. PhoneGap allows the use of embedded payment systems like google play store and app store.
  2. Applications made with PhoneGap consistently run on the leading mobile OS platforms.
  3. It allows the developer to use JavaScrip and other Libraries like MooTools, Sencha, etc.


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