How to Build Successful Online e-Learning Portal


After this covid situation, everything has changed from offline to study whether it is work or it is study or business. This online version of doing business is quite simpler and easier. The education has taken a full technical phase. From classes to exams and results everything happened online. An online e-learning portal portal has now become a need for the education department. You must be thinking about how to create an education portal. In this blog, we will study factors affecting education portal development. Let us see the latest market updates and current trends in education technology. 

Recently LinkedIn has announced that they have used the acquisition of an online leering company named to build a learning portal for themselves known as LinkedIn Learning Hub. The company has mentioned that its e-Learning portal will take responsibility for offering working professionals training material and videos that will include different subjects from management strategy to machine learning. You can say professional learning is a small part of the eLearning market. During the pandemic, no students wanted to go out to take classes and parents also didn’t let their children go out for studies and the whole education system shifted to online learning.

Global Market Status of E-learning
Global Market Status of e-learning portal

Global News Wire has researched and found that the global market of e-learning which was approximately in 2019 was $144 billion will touch $347.3 Billion by 22026. The global market rate of e-learning is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.6% during the period of forecast. From the research, the report also stated that the top leading companies in the global e-learning market are Aptara Inc., Adobe Systems, Cornerstone, Citrix Education, Meridian Knowledge Solutions, Microsoft Corporation, SAP SE, NetDimensions., Oracle Corporation, and many others.

Online e-Learning Portal for Android/IOS

Whenever we hear the word e-learning portal a question in our heart is what is an E-learning portal, why it is so popular nowadays and the cost of on-demand e-Learning development. E-learning simply means electronic learning through the mode of the internet. A website or a web application that offers the user to learn or access all educational content in an interactive way is known as E-learning Portal. 

There is no confirmation that the pandemic has gone or will not return. As the pandemic continues, learning online, taking classes online, and mastering new skills according to the technology will also remain in trend around the world.

Let us see the statistics of online e-learning portals in the past years and analyze the popularity of e-learning.

  • Around 60% of internet users say that they are comfortable with the format of e-learning.
  • Market research known as Zion market research found that virtual reality of investments in the e-learning sector will increase where the market is expected to reach around $1,478 Million by 2027.
  • 42% of companies around the world state that their revenues for their employees have increased via online training.
  • 65% of the faculties all around the world support the use of educational resources over the internet on different online learning Portals.

Process of Creating an Online e-Learning Portal

elearning infographics

Every app or website has different factors that affect the development process of a web or app.  Simple steps are followed for custom education portal development.

Audience and Competition: Every web or app development starts from the process of researching. You must research the market before developing any app or web.  The most important criteria of market research are analyzing and finding your audiences whom you should target or who all are interested in your app.  Also, you must study what kind of app they are expecting. Understand the problem and needs of your target audience. In the case of education portal development, the need of the audience is remote learning.  You must find out the opportunity in terms of target audiences.  You can find them by diving into different criteria like age, education level, etc.After doing complete research on target audiences you must understand all other players in the same field which means you must know your competitors.

Content Strategy: After finding your target audiences and competitors you must make a content strategy. As it is an education portal your content needs to be correct and updated.  You can take help by connecting with good educators who have experience in online teaching so that they can help you with the content of your online learning platform. You must be careful about not including controversial images and don’t use gifs.  You should use ambient audio.

Right Development Partner: After doing complete research on content now you should apply the actual process of finding a team for you to develop your online learning platform.  You can find a well-stabled company to develop your online education portal. Finding a developer team is not an easy task. You have to do complete research and know about your partner.

Development and Designing of the portal: After selecting the right partner for your online e-learning portal the development and design phase starts. This phase is most complicated as the portable should be made according to the students as well as teachers. It should be mobile-friendly so that it can be run on any platform. One more thing that includes in the online portal is if your choose an outsourcing mobile app development company you must keep great communication with the team head so that you can keep a check on the progress of your app.

Testing and customization: After the development phase is over-testing part begins. At this stage, the app has completed the test keeping the users in mind. Also, a client can ask for another customization from a developer if they found needed. This whole process may take approximately 4-5 months. It can be less or more depending on the requirement of the client. 

Features For Every Online e-Learning Portal

  1. For an online education app, students and teachers both have to go through the onboarding process.  At the time of onboarding, it Is considered that a huge number of apps get abandoned.  It is very difficult to deliver an easy nonbonding experience for your online learning app.
  2. Use your phone/email address, OTP, and password to sign up so that you can experience hassle-free onboarding. You can also use a social network account for the same.
  3. On an online education portal, the quantity of the content is very much so your app must have a great search and filter so that scrolling content becomes easy.  You can use the elastic search bar, Content category on the home page, Search filter, course recommendations as per student past records, and Dashboard for both student and tutor.
  4. Notification and reminders are also important features. Your app user must get notified about each change in your app. 

Additional features that you should consider are:

  • Admin Panel
  • Course Page
  • Course Creation and Edit Page
  • International Payment Methods

Final Words 

Developing an app or website almost includes the same process. The basic process includes planning, analyzing,  finding competition, strategy, development, and testing.  These steps are common in each web and app development.  In online education portal development, you also have to go through all these stages. The difference is business logic. The business logic of each web and app differ from each other.  A custom-made education portal includes some needs of your clients that are not common in another education portal.

WDP Technologies offer complete  mobile app development solution


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