What is Google Search Console? How we can use Search Console in Optimization?

Google Search Console:- There’s no arguing that Google still has a stranglehold on the state and future of search engine optimization (SEO). Google is a leading provider of software and tools to measure your site’s performance, including Google Analytics and Google Search Console (previously referred to as Webmaster Tools). When Google does a little change in Google search console, while its core search algorithm or one of its products, search marketers take notice. That’s why when Google made an announcement earlier this week that a brand-new version of its Search Console was launching, the SEO community was abuzz with speculation about what this could mean for the search industry. So what exactly is happening, and what does this mean for you? Why Google rolled out the search console feature? Google rolled out search console feature:-After these months of testing, Google has decided to roll out four of the most popular features of the new search console to the...